Final Conference

Final EL-CSID Report
Curious to read more about EL-CSID's research?
The Final Report summarises the research that was undertaken, both generically and specifically per work package and topic. It discusses the findings and recommendations concerning EU international cultural relations and cultural diplomacy on the one hand and science and innovation diplomacy on the other. The Report also aspires to be a state-of-the-art analysis of contemporary European cultural and science diplomacy.
By way of conclusion, some general key findings are restated but unanswered questions are also raised regarding the future of those areas that have been the focus of attention throughout the EL-CSID Project.

Final Conference Brochure
Did you miss out on EL-CSID's Final Conference, but you are still curious about our conference's panels and speakers?
No worries; you can find all our speakers' biodata and a short summary of their presentation in our brochure, together with a short presentation of our project and the findings and recommendations of our final report!

Powerpoint Presentations Available
Richard Higgott & Virginia Proud: Presentation of the Final Report
Neil Collins: Becoming Partners: EU cultural diplomacy in Central Asia
Yee-Kuang Heng: Japan's Science Diplomacy and Drivers for EU-Japan Collaboration
Would you like some more information on the other presentations from the speakers? Please contact the Project Manager!